
C ompassionate C arnivores

Advocates for Humane Treatment of All Farmed Animals

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    • Updated: 02/17/2025
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      Horizon Professional Services


    Factory Farming Affects Your Environment & Your Health -

    Information on How These Issues Impact you!


    For Compassions Sake
    Hundreds of millions of farm animals suffer under industrialized farming methods. Birds are confined in cages so small they can barely move, mother pigs are kept in crates barely larger than their own bodies & chickens raised for meat are kept in crowded barns where the air is painful to breath. There are routine mutilations such as castrations, tail dockings, toe clippings & brandings done without anesthesia. All these procedures cause unimaginable pain & suffering. We would not stand for this to be done to those animals we treat as pets.

    Your health:
    A national campaign by Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health maintains that eating like a vegetarian just one day a week reduces consumption of saturated fat by 15 percent, enough to ward off the "lifestyle diseases" such as heart attacks, strokes & cancer. A weekly commitment also adds the disease-fighting benefits of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains & legumes.

    A National Cancer Institute study of 500,000 people found that those who ate 4 ounces (114 grams) of red meat or more daily were 30 percent more likely to die of any cause over 10 years than were those who consumed less. Sausage, luncheon meats & other processed meats also increased the risk.

    Your environment:
    Animal agriculture is the leading source of methane & nitrous oxide emissions, which, when combined with carbon dioxide, causes the vast majority of global warming.

    • A United Nations report found that the meat industry produces more greenhouse gases than all the SUVs, cars, trucks, planes, & ships in the world combined. Scientists estimate that if every American lowered meat consumption by just 20%, it would lower greenhouse gasses as much as if everyone in the country switched to driving Toyota Priuses.

    • Eliminate one pound of meat from your diet: The emissions from raising one pound of meat is the same amount of greenhouse gasses as driving an SUV 40 miles.

    • According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week & substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads.

    • The official handbook for the Live Earth concerts says that "refusing meat" is the "single most effective thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint."

    Your budget:
    An additional bonus to cooking & consuming meat less often is that it will save you money. Fresh, canned & frozen vegetables are almost always less expensive than meat at the grocery store. Grains, rice, & pasta are most affordable, especially when bought in bulk.

    The future:
    If we don t take action now, the environment & the animals will suffer.
    Stanford University, FSE Project , June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2006

    Meat production is projected to double by 2050 due to increased incomes, population growth & rising per capita global consumption of meat. In order to meet this demand, industrialized animal production systems are proliferating & grain production for feed is expanding. These trends will have major consequences on the global environment-affecting the quality of the atmosphere, water & soil due to nutrient overloads; impacting marine fisheries both locally & globally through fish meal use; & threatening human health, as, for example, through excessive use of antibiotics.